Remote Swim Video Analysis
Remote Online Freestyle Stroke Analysis
Swim faster with a full critique of your stroke, including stroke correction recommendations tailored just for you from a Level 3 British Triathlon Coach and WOWSA Level 3 Open Water Swimming Coach.
I will make an in-depth review of all aspects of your stroke:
- Breathing
- Entry
- Catch
- Pull
- Push
- Pull
- Recovery
- Rotation
- Head Position
- Kicking
- Streamlining
- Open water skills (if requested and open water swim video available from the athlete)
We will give you full instructions on how to take the video, the angles and times then send it to us for annotated analysis using our professional analysis App.
Get a complete front crawl online stroke and technique video analysis now!
Here’s what to do:
Take a video of your swimming with a phone/camera above the water, or GoPro below the water and give us access to the file.
The best positioning for your video analysis are in the following 4 camera view points with up to 60 second videos in each view:
- Front view above water - 1-2 feet underwater
- Front view under water - close to the surface
- Side view above - close to the surface
- Side view below - 2-3 feet below the surface
Make sure when you're filming the swimmer that the camera angle is set to 90 degrees either to the side or in front of the swimmer. Keep the camera as still as possible when filming.
If you're using a GoPro or your phone to take the video footage you'll need to keep the swimmer in close view, i.e. much closer than you would presume. This would be within a couple of feet as the lens viewing angle is quite small, but very clear once in the right position. Try this a few times to test to ensure you get the best view.
After your checkout we will be in touch to walk you through the process.
You will receive a video stroke analysis and complete front crawl stroke analysis with personalised swim drills by email within 7 business days.
Once you have signed up we will email you the full video guidance document..
Questions? Email Coach Karen directly at karen.parnell@chilitri.com