Marketing Consultation

Business and Marketing Consultation for Coaching Business Owners

Having you start your triathlon, running, swimming or cycling coaching business? Are you struggling to find athlete clients?

I have over twenty years experience in business marketing as well as setting up my own triathlon business in Southern Spain.

I have an MBA from Aston Business School and can use this knowledge plus real world marketing experience to help you fill your pipeline with athlete clients.

As a qualified Mentor I can help you make the most from your unique coaching skills.

Spend less time on marketing and sales and more time doing the thing you love - coaching!

More about this service

- 1-2-1 training consultation

- Designed to address your specific business objectives and personal goals

- 1 hour session via Skype, Zoom or Goggle Meet

- Led by ChiliTri Head Coach Karen Parnell MBA BEng(Homs)

